If you're like most people I know, you worry about a LOT of stuff in your day-to-day life.
But, what good is all of this worry doing?? The fact is that not only is worry a massive waste of our finite time, but it also has a ton of negative effects in our lives.
Okay. So we know worrying isn't *helping* anything...
But, what do we do about it?? One useful solution is to focus on the "controllables." There are 3 of them:
In his book, "Being The STARfish: 7 Steps to Sharing So People WANT To Buy," Neal Anderson tells us: "Significance and success stems from our actions, which are And, Jack Canfield offers us a simple formula for success: E + R = O
We might not be in control of the event, but we are ALWAYS in charge of our response and that's what determines the ultimate outcome.
Showing up is half the battle and when we combine a "no excuses" attitude with efficient and inspired work habits and an intention to serve others, we become unstoppable. How you respond will make all of the difference.
Unfortunately, people tend to be paralyzed by fear and end up more focused on their "Why Not" than they are on their "Why."
That's how we lose our personal power. "Activity is what breeds passion.
Sound familiar in your own life??
What action can YOU take today to begin to control YOUR controllables?? I hope you take that first step today!! Here's To Your Success,
P.S.: If you're ready to shift from your place of "Why Not" to developing a clear "Why" and taking action from there, I invite you to join me on my FREE webinar training. Click HERE to register.
Did you know that you can cook with essential oils?? It's very important to use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils like the ones doTERRA sells. Then, you just have to make sure they are safe for internal consumption. Some doTERRA essential oils that are safe oils to use while cooking include:
You might be wondering "Why would I want to use essential oils in my food?" Great question! With essential oils, a little goes a LONG way. For instance, one drop of lemon essential oil can replace a bunch of fresh squeezed lemons. Also, essential oils have a much longer shelf-life than dried herbs or spices. While oils may be more costly in the initial stages, over the long haul they will prove to be more cost-effective and last a really long time. No more running out to the store because you ran out of oregano! This weekend I made a salad dressing for my kids and me. Aside from a healthy alternative to store-bought dressings, we had a fun time making it!! How about you?? What are your favorite essential oils for cooking?? Comment below and let us know!!
Ready to get cooking and purchase your own CPTG essential oils?? You can get them all right HERE. Just click "SHOP." During the month of October, I ran a sales performance and business leadership training with my Radiant doTERRA team. The focus of one of the training sessions was getting clear on your vision. I think this is one of the most important topics that we could possibly cover. In fact, I think that getting crystal clear about your personal vision for your life is so important that I spend an entire module helping my Reclaim Yourself life transformations coaching clients doing just that. When you look at your own life, how clear do you feel?? Unfortunately, when I first start working with my clients, I find that even though most of them aren't truly happy with the way things are currently going, they also have very little clarity about what they want their life to actually look like. Because of the responses that I was getting, I decided to make this worksheet that I love to start out with as a first step. It's called the Be-Do-Have-Feel worksheet. (You can download your complimentary copy right HERE.) Even if you've done it before, it's a great resource to re-use every few months, or so. In fact, I tend to recommend that you re-do it quarterly for the most powerful results. Another key step when it comes to clarity and creating a vision for yourself is to not get so caught up in perfectionism and creating the "perfect" vision that you forget to actually get started. In fact, in his book, Being The STARfish, Neal Anderson tell us: "You don't need to have your Why all figured out in order to get started at So, be sure to download your complimentary worksheet and then don't forget to jump right in and take action to start creating the life you would like to be living a year or two from now. Your vision will develop along the way. Here's To Your Success, P.S.: If you would like to discover three incredibly powerful transformational tools that you can use to create a joyful, fulfilling, and courageously confident lifestyle, join me on my FREE webinar training where I'll be showing you how to create the year you have always dreamed of for 2018. You can sign up by clicking HERE. Hope to connect with you there!