Last year I saw a cool idea on Pinterest. The subpar results of this idea were the focus of my first-ever blog post. (Click here if you missed it.) Long story short, I made myself a beautiful mason jar and set out to fill it with wonderful memories. But, the year came to an end and that jar was pretty much empty. Was it because I didn’t have any good times or good memories in 2015? No, far from it. When it came down to it, deep down I knew that most of the memories I would place in that jar would at some point eventually be filled with regret due to who I was making those memories with. And, I thought that those memories would eventually fill me with sadness and be too much to look back on. But this year, I vowed to fill that mason jar up with memories either way. I started by sprucing the jar up a bit for 2016. I mean who doesn't love a little bit of glitter?! :) As the months went by, I slacked off a lot. There were tons of things I could have written down and a bunch of items I could have placed in there, but I didn’t. Despite this, when I hit the mid-way point of 2016, my mason jar was filled to the top. Are there things I look back on with a tinge of sadness now? Yes, there sure are. In fact, my intuition was 100% correct from the beginning. The person with whom I made a lot of those memories walked out, as I had long suspected she would. And, while that was of course difficult and some of those memories feel more than a little tainted, they were a part of my past and I celebrated them – and so many other wonderful things – in that moment. And, THAT is what life is all about. Making the most of each day, living in the present moment, and allowing yourself to play BIG regardless of what the end result might be. Because the fact of the matter is that we never know. People walk out unexpectedly. Career trajectories can change in a fraction of a second. Relationships and friendships can fall apart. Our whole life can do a 180* overnight and we might not be able to do a damn thing about it. So it’s up to us to soak up each moment. Make the best of each chance we get. And, fill those mason jars up to the top with good times and amazing memories. We are now nearing the end of July. If you haven’t done it yet, I invite you to accept the Mason Jar Challenge. It's not too late to have an amazing 2016. If you do it, let me know how it goes for you. I love hearing about both your triumphs and tribulations. Because we grow so much from both of them. So here's to ending 2016 with overflowing mason jars. As one of my favorite Dave Matthews Band lyrics says, “Celebrate we will ‘cause life is short but sweet for certain.” XOXO, P.S.: If you're looking for some clear, effective, actionable coaching tips on how to start living your best life now, download my FREE resource guide where I outline 7 key steps to designing the lifestyle of your dreams. Just click here to download your free copy!
Did you forget to "just breathe" this morning??
I did! I don't know about you, but I can help pretty much anyone when they are in a crisis, unsure of what to do next, or are feeling super stressed out. But, me? When I'm stressed? That can be a different story entirely! Case in point: Feeling a little overwhelmed AND working through some really difficult emotions this morning, my five year old daughter asked me to open up her yogurt for her. Simple, right? Well, not so much. I got the scissors, held the yogurt, took a VERY deep breath and muttered to myself "It's okay. You've got this." Wow. Very serious considering "this" was cutting the top off of a Disney-themed squeeze yogurt. Thankfully, the ridiculousness of the situation actually made me laugh. I had gotten so wrapped up in my stress and the feelings I was sorting through that I had forgotten to just breathe all morning. Of course, upon further analysis, I realized that the motion of cutting was incredibly symbolic. It was never about the yogurt, but rather about giving myself permission to breathe, experience the painful feelings, and then release them, cutting the emotional stranglehold they had on me. Sometimes we just need to feel like we are allowed to feel these feelings and that we have permission to let them go and release them. I took a deep breath and released them. Today, I hope you give yourself permission to do them same. |